We welcome content ambassadors to write blog posts about HUMAN Protocol, featured on their own or third-party publications. Below, we've included some general guidelines to follow. These should be considered in addition to the communication guidelines provided here.

Pieces should be

Blog writing guidelines

  1. Do not plagiarize

While it is acceptable to use HUMAN Protocol's blog pieces as inspiration, no part of them - or any other existing content - should be plagiarized. Any attempt will be immediately identifiable and will preclude the piece from reward consideration.

  1. Explore new territory

Wherever possible, submitted pieces should explore new topics, and engage in new discussions.

  1. Simple language. Big ideas

Brevity is the soul of wit. Use short sentences and simple language to weave engaging discussions and package complex ideas. Long, run-on sentences should be avoided unless absolutely required. Pieces will also be assessed on their quality; on how succinctly they introduce the project and present their point.

  1. Be informative and up to date

Content should demonstrate a current and up-to-date understanding of the project, technology, and partnerships. Research should be undertaken to address any knowledge gaps. Primarily, content should look to educate as well as excite, and reflect an accurate state of things.